Bouncy Balls
We love these balls and you will too! C’mon - a hacky sack that bounces!
But here’s the thing, that bouncy ball inside the sweet Guatemalan crochet came from China. One of our village leader partners, Manuela, had a batch of them and asked us to sell them for her. When we crunched the carbon numbers it didn’t sit right with our green credentials, so it was a case of ‘one-and-done’ but we did agree to help her out, and then forgot about them in our warehouse. Dave found ‘em and now you can capitalize on all this!
We may make more in the future. Since the cork pins in Puckaroo have to come from China, we may well add more balls to that next shipment. Till then, these are all we have.
These are amazing and normally cost $10 but we’re letting them bounce out at $7.99. Colors and patterns chosen at random.