Crocheted bags Large
These bags are dandies. Super hearty construction, they will last a lifetime. These are also very popular in Colombia where a “man purse” is not viewed as such, it's just a bag guys use. That country is openminded on lots of levels. Whether you're a he, she, they or something in between, these bags are pretty sweet and we are guessing similar ones likely cost $50+ on etsy though we haven’t actually looked b/c we don’t care. We care about fun and hooking you up so here you go. The larges were $30 and are now $19.99 and the smalls were $25 and are now $17.99. A large probably holds 10 bass. A small holds 6. Not a fisherperson… welp hmm… the large ones are about 12” tall while the smalls are about 9”.
These bad boys come in LOUD colors, solid and multicolor. Tell us your 3 favorite color choices if you are choosing solid and we’ll do our best. Multicolors are chosen at random.